Professional Service and Outreach
My outreach and service work has consisted primarily of service on various committees for the UNC philosophy department, work for the Parr Center for Ethics, work for the UNC Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) program, and service at Wofford College.
UNC Departmental Service
In the 2017-2018 school year, I served as Graduate Student Faculty Liaison, which involves representing graduate students at faculty meetings and writing a report summarizing the non-confidential issues discussed at each meeting along with any non-confidential decisions reached to be sent to all grad students. In the 2018-2019 and 2021-2022 school years I served as a member of the Graduate Student Committee, which considers any proposed changes to the philosophy graduate program. In the 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 school years, I served as a member of the Undergraduate Student Committee, which considers any proposed changes for the undergraduate philosophy major or minor. This committee also determines which undergraduate philosophy majors will receive the department's annual awards and evaluates grant proposals for undergraduates applying for funding from the department to do such things as attend conferences or produce works of public philosophy.
Parr Center for Ethics Service
I regularly served as a judge for the North Carolina High School Ethics Bowl and the National High School Ethics Bowl (both run by the Parr Center) between 2017 and 2022. I was the Parr Center for Ethics Graduate Research Assistant for the 2019-2020 school year. In this capacity I participated in planning Parr Center activities, helped edit cases for the High School Ethics Bowl, and performed various other miscellaneous tasks. Our Outreach Director left at the end of 2019, so my primary responsibility for Spring 2020 was to oversee the Parr Center's outreach programs on an interim basis, which involved keeping track of hours worked, submitting payroll for graduate students doing outreach work for the Parr Center, and writing the annual report on outreach activities to be submitted to the Department Chair and the university administration. I also served on the hiring committee to replace the Outreach Director, which involved reviewing applications and conducting interviews with applicants as well as reaching a final hiring decision. From 2020 to 2022 I also volunteered for the Parr Center's philosophy in prisons program, which involves regularly corresponding with inmates about philosophy. I have also presented at UNC's Public Philosophy Colloquium at Carolina Meadows Retirement Community (November 12, 2021).
PPE Program Service
I was a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program Affiliated Graduate Student from when that designation was created in 2019 until I graduated in 2022, which involved generally helping with PPE program related activities. I was significantly involved in planning the Philosophy Politics and Economics Society Annual Meeting scheduled for 2020 but canceled due to the pandemic. In this capacity, I helped review presentation proposal submissions and was part of a small group that created the conference program by putting the proposals for individual paper presentations into coherent panels of three. I was also involved in planning the next annual conference to actually occur in 2022, but this time the work has been spread over a much larger group of graduate students, so my share has been proportionately smaller. In the 2019-2020 school year, I served on the PPE program hiring committee, which involved reviewing applications for a tenure track position in the philosophy department as core faculty and recommending a short list of applicants for fly-outs. I have also led two reading groups for undergraduates for the PPE program--one on The Federalist Papers (Spring 2018) and the other on The New Jim Crow by Michele Alexander, (Fall 2020).
Wofford College Service
Last fall, I worked with other faculty to interview prospective undergraduates and decide whether to recommend admission, and I will be doing so again this fall. In January 2023 I co-led the judge training for the South Carolina High School Ethics Bowl (hosted by Wofford). I also served as a judge for the SCHSEB. Finally, I served on an undergraduate thesis committee for one of my students.