Wofford College, Department of Philosophy, James A. and Susan K. Keller Fellow in Philosophy, 2022-present.
Ph.D., philosophy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2022. Dissertation: Justice, Colonialism, and the State.
MA, philosophy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018. Thesis: "Settler-Colonialism and Arguments for Open Borders."
BA, Philosophy, Anthropology, and History, summa cum laude, Oakland University, 2016.
AA, Liberal Arts, summa cum laude, Oakland Community College, 2011.
Social and Political Philosophy
Practical Ethics
Normative Ethics
Africana philosophy
American Indian/First Nations philosophy
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
Chinese philosophy
Early Modern Western philosophy
"Settler Colonialism and the Philosophy of Immigration" (under review).
2022 Graduate Teaching Fellowship.
2020-2021 Philosophy Department non-service fellowship.
2020-2021 Maynard Adams Fellowship for the Public Humanities.
2019-2020 Parr Center for Ethics Graduate Research Assistant.
2018-2019 Graduate Teaching Fellowship.
2017-2018 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School Merit Assistantship.
2016-2017 Horace Williams Fellowship (non-service).
2016 Oakland University College of Arts and Sciences Meritorious Achievement Award.
2016 Eugene Howe McDonald III Memorial Philosophy Award.
2015 Eugene Howe McDonald III Memorial Philosophy Award.
2014 Eugene Howe McDonald III Memorial Philosophy Award.
2014 Werner Holzbock Endowed Humanities Scholarship for philosophy.
2013 Werner Holzbock Endowed Humanities Scholarship for philosophy.
2013 Winner, Burke Philosophy Essay Contest.
2011 Delivered the address at the honors convocation for Oakland Community College, Auburn Hills.
2009-2020 Philosophy Student of the Year Oakland Community College, Highland Lakes.
Panels Organized
2022, Non-Western PPE, The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society anual meeting (November 3).
Papers Presented
2023, "The Pro Tanto Wrong of Disability Selective Abortion," South Carolina Annual Research Symposium (August 19).
2022, "Consensus-Based Democracy and Domination," The Philosophy, Politics,and Economics Society annual meeting (November 3).
2022, "Rational Saints: On the Relationship Between Rationality and Scarcity," South Carolina Annual Research Symposium (August 6).
2022, "On Teaching Disabled Students," The American Philosophical Association Central (February 25).
2022, "Against Epistocracy: A Response to Jason Brennan," The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society annual meeting (February 4).
2021, "The Problem of Supererogation: A Rossian Response," The CRÉ/Parr/Hoover Joint Conference (May 7).
2019, "Political Legitimacy Without the State: A Republican Defense of the Sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples," The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society annual meeting (March 28).
2015, "The Slippery Slope to Justice: An Argument for the Recognition of Polygamy," North American Society for Social Philosophy annual conference (July 18).
2019 "Comment on 'Kant and Dignity: Missed Connections with the United States'" by Karl Ameriks, the Workshop on Kant's Practical Philosophy (October 19).
Wofford College Upper Level Undergraduate Courses
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy (Spring 2024).
Philosophy of Law (Fall 2023).
Special Topics in Philosophy, American Indian/First Nations Philosophy (Spring 2023).
Principles of Ethics (Fall 2022).
Wofford College Lower Level Undergraduate Courses
Asian Philosophy (Spring 2024, two sections).
Problems of Philosophy (Fall 2023, two sections; Summer II 2023; Fall 2022, two sections).
Bioethics (Spring 2023, two sections).
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Lower Level Undergraduate Courses
Bioethics (Summer II 2022).
Asian Philosophy (Spring 2022).
17th and 18th Century Western Philosophy (Summer II 2021).
African American Social and Political Thought (Summer I 2020).
Ethics in Action (Fall 2019).
The Ethics of Peace, War, and Defense (Summer II 2019, Summer II 2018).
Social Ethics and Political Thought (Spring 2019).
Philosophy of Social Science (Fall 2018).
Judge for the South Carolina High School Ethics Bowl (2023).
Co-led judge training for the South Carolina High School Ethics Bowl, Spring 2023.
Interviewed students seaking admission to Wofford College, fall 2022.
Participant in the Parr Center for Ethics philosophy in prisons program, 2020-2022.
Presented as part of the UNC public philosophy colloquium series at the Carolina Meadows Retirement Community, November 12 2021.
Led Philosophy, Politics, and Economics reading group on The New Jim Crow by Michele Alexander, fall 2020.
Led judge training for the National High School Ethics Bowl, Spring 2020.
Member, Parr Center for Ethics Hiring Committee, Spring 2020.
Parr Center for Ethics Graduate Research Assistant, 2019-2020 school year.
UNC Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program affiliated Graduate Student, 2019-2022.
Parr Center for Ethics Graduate Fellow, 2019-2022.
Member, UNC Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Hiring Committee, 2019-2020 school year.
Member, UNC Department of Philosophy Undergraduate Student Committee, 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 school years.
Led Philosophy, Politics, and Economics reading group on The Federalist Papers, Spring 2018.
Member, UNC Department of Philosophy Graduate Student Committee, 2018-2019 and 2021-2022 school years.
UNC Department of Philosophy Graduate Student Faculty Liaison, 2017-2018 school year.
Judge for the North Carolina High School Ethics Bowl and the National High School Ethics Bowl, 2017-2022.
(* indicates courses audited)
Hume's Moral Philosophy, Geoffrey Sayre-McCord.
*Bioethics Methods, Rebecca Walker.
*Political Epistemology, Alex Worsnip.
*Classics in Moral Philosophy, Susan Wolf and Douglas MacLean.
*Contemporary Moral Theory, Geoffrey Sayre-McCord.
*Nietzsche, Markus Kohl.
*Colonialism and Post-Colonialism: History and Anthropology, Townsend Middleton.
*Consent, Tom Dougherty.
*Kant's Practical Philosophy, Markus Kohl.
Foundations of Modern Political Thought, Gerald Postema.
Normative Epistemology, Alex Worsnip.
Advanced Studies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Luc Bovens.
Theoretical Virtues, Marc Lange.
Comparative Ethics: Chinese Philosophy and Moral Psychology, David Wong.
Feminist Theory, Susan Wolf.
Descartes, Alan Nelson.
Research Seminar in Political Philosophy: Equality, Gerald Postema.
Sociocultural Theory and Ethnography, Townsend Middleton.
Aristotle's Politics, David Reeve and Mariska Leunissen.
Moral Attitudes, Thomas Hill.
Philosophy of Psychology: (Ir)rationality, Alex Worsnip.
Proto-Seminar, Alan Nelson and John Roberts.
Bernard Williams, Susan Wolf and Douglas MacLean.
Empiricism, Alan Nelson.
History of Moral Philosophy, Thomas Hill.
Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Thomas Hofweber.
*Pragmatism, Simon Blackburn.